Kanty Rabenorosoa

Kanty Rabenorosoa “Conducting polymers based robots at small scales”

Kanty Rabenorosoa holds a MS degree (2007) in Electrical Engineering from INSA Strasbourg, France and a Ph.D in Microrobotics and Automatic (2010) from Université de Franche-Comté. He was a temporary research assistant at FEMTO-ST Institute in AS2M department (Automatic Control and Micro-Mechatronic Systems) from october 2010 to august 2011. He was a postdoc fellow at LIRMM in DEXTER team between september 2011 to August 2012. He is currently Associate Professor at FEMTO-ST Institute in Automatic Control and Micro-Mechatronic Systems (AS2M) department. His research interests are microrobotic and micromechatronic systems for medical applications. Especially, his investigation is focused on continuum robotics and electro-active polymers actuated soft and origami robots.
He was involved in Labex ACTION (Contract ANR-11-LABX-0001-01) and has participated in several European projects (EUPASS, ARAKNES, µRALP) and ANR projects (NEMRO, µRoCS, Greenshield, OrigaBot). With colleagues, they got a Jury Special Awards in MICRONORA 2014 and a MEDTEC 2015 Innovation Awards.

Title : “Conducting polymers based robots at small scales”